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Flipside Thanks

Posted in Life

This Flipside was one of the most personally difficult for me yet, but at the same time I am moved and amazed by what a powerful experience it was — one which in retrospect was incredibly positive; I think even the parts in which I was miserable will teach me a lot. And socially, communally, spiritually it was a powerful event, with an effigy (and Burn) the likes of which has not been seen since the days of our great departed Monkey God.

Some specific thanks:

Thanks to all the Rangers, Greeters, others who not only keep this
event from falling apart but made it so glorious.
Everyone who built the effigy — best since Hanuman!
The firemen for not just keeping us safe but putting on such a good
show at the same time
Everyone who came by Eposia’s Crosstime Saloon and our dedicated campmates
The many many virgins I met this year who seemed to really ‘get it’
Mumbleville for its chill space and even chiller people
Root Beer camp for delicious cold drinks and OMG breastmilk ice cream
Gypsy Euphoria for their neighborly ways and poetic stylings
The windsock camp at the corner of mushroom tower and the highway for
being friendly, decorated, and so gracious when a Ranger commandeered
a windsock for the burn
Wish for being so ish and leading an awesome procession (love those flags)
The pyramid-platform thingie in sound town for awesome dancing Sunday
night after the Burn
Circus Nefarious for nefariousness and Famina
The singing Tesla coils for being singing Tesla coils
Cult of the Purple Taco for tacos and sexy purplage

and all the other awesome camps and people I’m forgetting now, or
didn’t get to visit at all.

See you at Decomp!


Firefighters fight the effigy blaze (by IRA, this is my current desktop wallpaper)

Tesla Coils play Zelda (video)

(photo credit Eirik Ott / Wikimedia Commons)

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