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I can climb

Posted in Life

There was a writer named Kij who convinced a writer named Reesa that no really, she should climb like she’d always wanted to. Then the writer named Reesa convinced a writer named Kit to give it a try:

“You should try it today,” she said.

“Maybe someday,” he said.

“Oh.” Reesa pouted.

The training was simple: “Here’s your equipment. Do this with it. Don’t do this with it, that’ll kill you. Now keep me from falling off this wall.”

After he managed to not kill the instructor, Kit and Reesa went climbing.

Kit learned climbing was exhilirating, that belaying is hard work, and that candy bars taste good after you’ve been hanging from a rock wall.

Most of all though he was surprised to learn this was something he could do — it felt natural, in fact, like he’d done it before. Why would he have assumed climbing was beyond him?

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