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The Ethical Slut Read-Along: Introduction

Posted in Media, Polyamory, Sex & Relationships, and The Ethical Slut Read Along

The cover of the second edition of The Ethical Slut

The Ethical Slut Read-along Table of Contents

As I announced yesterday, I’m going to be doing a read-along of The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, & Other Adventures by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy. This will be my first time reading the second edition of the book, and I will be writing chapter by chapter (or section by section for longer chapters) my thoughts on the book, on polyamory, and reflect on how my own experiences compare to what I am reading.

I’m beginning the project after Christmas. I hope that some of my readers will be moved to re-read the book along with me. I’ll be posting an entry 1 or 2 times per week, each one covering one chapter or section of the book. In the first week we’ll just be covering my own background and the first, very short chapter of the book. If you still need to find a copy or you simply don’t have any time between Christmas & New Years, you will have plenty of time to catch up.

Whether you read the book with me or not — or even if you’ve never read it at all — I still want to hear your comments, thoughts and stories in response to each entry. I’ve made it as easy as possible to leave a comment on my blog. You don’t need to register for any accounts or involve Facebook or any other sites. You don’t even need to include your name or email address. Anonymous comments may end up in my spam queue for moderation, but I typically check this page multiple times a day.

In the next, much longer entry I’m going to talk a little about myself — my relationship with polyamory and how I came to first read The Ethical Slut. Look for it next week!


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