Matter Out of Place ( MOOP), –noun, Burning Man events are Leave No Trace events, and this is taken very seriously. Even though the events involve a great deal of pollution-generating fire, the use of petroleum products to operate most of the generators and vehicles, and leave a definite trace on the wallets of attendees and in area landfills, there is a strong desire to return the land to as pristine a condition as possible; this is equally true at smaller Burn events where the Bureau of Land Management isn’t breathing down the necks of organizers. Every participant is expected to clean up not just after themselves but after others too ( MOOPing), but other volunteers will spend sometimes days or even weeks working to clean what is left behind.
MOOPing is not just the right thing to do, its also the source of some fantastic ground scores.
Thanks to DefyAuthority.NET’s Lauren for suggesting this entry.
Other entries in A Burner Lexicon can be found at https://kitoconnell.com/lexicon/