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A Burner Lexicon: Playa Coat

Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man

A Burner in a playa coat, lit by the light of the effigy fire. Black Rock City, 2010. Photo by Lilli.

Playa Coat, –noun, There are many concerns at play when it comes to Burner fashion but two of the most important are warmth and texture. While days on the playa are hot, at night in the desert the temperature drops rapidly. Soft and fuzzy textures are beloved by Burners, whose already sensual nature is often sharpened by touch-enhancing drugs.

A playa coat is an essential part of any well-dressed Burner’s wardrobe. Its softness is both warm and pleasing to the skin. The most classic playa coat design is a full-length coat made of thick fur or “monster fur.” Pockets are also a prized feature. In addition to use as a garment, it can double as a blanket for cuddling or even to cover the hard ground during moments of passion.

Though some enterprising and crafty Burners have begun marketing expensive custom coats under the name which are prized by sparkle ponies, most playa coats are gifted, crafted or found inexpensively in a thrift store.

The lexicographer’s current favorite playa coat is not as long as it might be, but it makes up for it with deep, hidden pockets, incredibly soft fake fur, and a wonderfully eye-catching purple lining.

Thanks to Pet for contributing to this entry.

A Burner Lexicon will soon begin a series on each of the Burner Principles. The lexicographer has already solicited opinions from several of his favorite Burner philosophers, but would love to receive more. If you have something to say about any of the ten principles, please contact Kit via the comments section or the email address at the top of this page.

Other entries in A Burner Lexicon can be found at