Apologies for the silence here. Things have been so full during the last week it was hard to stop to document it — from getting kicked out of SXSW interactive for a mic check to partying with Tom Morello (more than once), it’s hard to find the words, but I will in the next few days.
Today at 2:30pm central time I will appear on the Stream, a show centered around social media & citizen journalism, hosted by Al Jazeera English. A few other occupiers & I were selected to attend as a virtual town hall audience. On the panel will be Tim Pool, who recently visited Austin & taught a class for Occupy Southby, and Nathan Schneider of Waging Nonviolence.
It’s an honor to be part of this program, just days after the 6 month birthday of Occupy Wall Street. Meanwhile, my Austin & Houston occupier friends will be travelling to College Station to evict Monsanto, and I wish them well.