Hi everyone.
I’m headed for Chicago this afternoon. I’m staying till at least Tuesday, August 28 but may choose to extend my visit depending on the scene.
My mother (Firedoglake’s Siun) has lived in the city for years now and I love going to see her, and spend time with her in such a wonderful metropolis. There’s always great food and stuff to do. This visit also means I can accompany her to a cardiologist appointment and be an advocate for her there.
I’m excited to meet some Occupy Chicago friends and grow our network of solidarity. I’ll be participating in a Women’s Rights march on Sunday — part of a national action for women’s equality. I’ll definitely attend OCHI’s general assembly on Saturday and take in whatever else I can of the group. As an aside, I very much appreciate Occupy Chicago supporting Occupy Austin’s Free Eric Marquez campaign.
I’m very interested in meeting with any Chicago friends, readers, occupiers, or others who’d like to get together in person. You can tweet at me, or just use the contact information on this page to get in touch.
I’ll be livetweeting the exciting bits of my trip on Twitter, as always, and posting highlights here as well. Follow me on Twitter for more.
And remember, I’ll try to answer a reader question on Saturday. Ask me anything you’re curious about in the comments.
See you in Chicago!