A little over a week ago, I learned that MintPress News is “restructuring,” and eliminating most of their original writing, including my position as staff writer. That means the end of the full time job I’ve held since October 2014.
I’ve had a lot of adventures with MintPress, from getting banned from Nieman Marcus while covering the American Legislative Exchange Council to traveling to Philadelphia for the protests at the Democratic National Convention. It’s been a shock to realize that my work there will come to an end in January, just days before the inauguration.
2016 has been a bizarre year, full of unexpected losses, unbelievable stories and a few hard-won victories. Around the country, hundreds of organizations and thousands of activists are planning not just for January 20, but for the next 4 years. I don’t want to lose my voice just as things are really popping off in America.
For many people, Trump’s administration is a fight for survival. It’s also an opportunity to reach new people that have never been activated before and teach them the pain and joy of struggling against injustice and the state.

With your help, I can still be there on the front lines publishing stories of resistance. Today, I’m launching a Patreon account as a way of supporting my ongoing journalism. I’m asking my readers and fans to donate on a monthly basis as a way of keeping my writing alive.
If you’re looking for a way to fight the rise of right-wing nationalism under Donald Trump, one way to do it is to support independent journalism and the hard-working journalists that push back against power to bring you the truth. Press freedom is under attack, not just by an oppressive government but also by a mainstream media eager to support the police state in return for access to power. More than ever, we need gonzo, activist journalists who speak for the people.
Thanks to my readers’ generous donations, I’ll create more original writing that I’ll publish here on Approximately 8,000 Words, from interviews to investigative journalism. All my original, reader-supported articles will be published under a Creative Commons license, so that my writing can be freely spread and reach more eyes.
Every dollar you give will make a real difference in my work, but if I get enough I’ll be able to plan trips to protests and direct actions around the country. And with even the smallest of donations, you’re sending a valuable message that a free, revolutionary media matters to the future of this country.
Please donate to my Patreon today.
Bonus: On December 1, I’m launching a free newsletter, “Gonzo Notes.”
A few times per month, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on current events, plus actions you can take to push back against fascism and links to all my recent writing. You can subscribe using the form below:
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Remember, even if you can’t afford to donate, you can help by spreading this fundraiser and my writing to your family, friends, and social networks.