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Trump’s Budget Suckerpunches The Poor & Disabled; Democrats Respond With A Whimper

Posted in Archive, Journalism, and Lee Camp

Pres. Donald Trump’s proposed budget would slash the social safety net to ribbons, while continuing the process of dismantling or privatizing virtually all parts of the U.S. government that don’t directly benefit the war machine.

In response, Bernie Sanders and the Democrats have come out SWINGING with a comprehensive and radical list of human-rights centered amendments. They’re even threatening to SHUT DOWN the government! …Just kidding. They promised to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2024.


Activists on the left often declare that “a budget is a moral document,” meaning that it isn’t merely numbers but a reflection of the ethics and values of those who propose it or vote for it. The Republicans’ budget proposal reflects an administration that is profoundly morally bankrupt. Food stamps, Medicaid, Social Security disability benefits, student loans, and even farm subsidies all face deep cuts, ensuring that a diverse cross section of the middle and working class will all suffer under the Trump budget, with the most vulnerable people (children and the disabled, for example) suffering most of all.



Trump’s Budget Spits On The Poor & Disabled; Democrats Respond With A Whimper

By Kit O’Connell Pres. Donald Trump’s proposed budget would slash the social safety net to ribbons, while continuing the process of dismantling or privatizing virtually all parts of the U.S. government that don’t directly benefit the war machine. In response, Bernie Sanders and the Democrats have come out SWINGING with a comprehensive and radical list of human-rights centered amendments.

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