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Quoted In Bitch: Cannabis, Chronic Illness & Unsolicited Medical Advice

Posted in Journalism, and Ministry of Hemp

Journalist s.e. smith quoted me in a recent article in Bitch about cannabis and unsolicited advice for the disabled and chronically ill:

There’s a large body of research of varying quality that supports the use of cannabis—and CBD specifically—to treat pain, glaucoma, anxiety, epilepsy, PTSD, inflammation, depression, and a variety of neurological disorders. I get suspicious any time something is touted as effective in treating a laundry list of unrelated issues, but some researchers insist CBD is the real deal. “As a scientifically minded person my initial reaction to something like this…I would say that’s a load of garbage,” says Kit O’Connell, a disabled journalist and editor of the advocacy organization Ministry of Hemp. But, he adds, the science is actually surprisingly compelling.

As editor of Ministry of Hemp, obviously I’m a believer in the benefits of hemp. I’m also not a fan of giving sick and disabled people unsolicited medical advice. Even though cannabis in several forms is helpful to my disability (fibromyalgia), it’s not a cure.

I’ve tried it, I know how it helps, and I don’t need other folks telling me what to do unless I ask.


For Disabled People, Pot’s Not a Magic Bullet

A green wave of cannabis legalization is sweeping the nation, much to the dismay of Jeff Sessions’s Justice Department. Thirty states and the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medical and/or recreational use, and cannabis policy advocates in 11 states are pursuing cannabis-related ballot measures.

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