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Freaky Deeky Weekend

Posted in Austin, and Burning Man

The bridgelike effigy from 2012 is on fire.
The effigy burns at Burning Flipside 2011: Bad Idea. Pyropolis, Texas. Photo by Shari.

I’m off to 6 days out somewhere in Texas at Burning Flipside. It’s my 12th time attending, and I’m looking forward to letting go for a long weekend. As I said on my Firedoglake Watercooler post last night, I don’t think I’ve really taken a break since I started Occupying in November. The nature of being the Twitter magnet is that it’s kind of a nonstop role — tweeting for the occupation happens every day, even when there’s not much going on and we no longer have a 24/7 camp. I’m slowly automating some aspects of the role, and finding secure ways to get more people on board (Hootsuite’s mobile support is a big disappointment this week).

No matter how I delegate, there’s still stuff for me to do most every day.

But not now, I won’t even have reliable mobile data access for the next 6 days. I’m not going to the wilderness, but to a beautiful pecan grove with a few thousand of my closest friends. It’s time to rewind in a Freaky Deeky Time Machine.

If you’re going to the grassy playa you can find me at the Cult of the Purple Taco. I’d love it if you stopped by to say hello.

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