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Made it to SF (barely!)

Posted in Conventions, and Life

Reesa and I are in San Francisco, safe and sound. How close we came to being otherwise is anyone’s guess.

The first leg of our flight was on a US Airways flight. Not only was it the single most cramped and uncomfortable plane I’ve ever been on, but the flight was altogether too eventful. First we were delayed for electrical problems. On arrival in Phoenix, we evidently circled the runway multiple times (I was asleep through most of this) and then had one of the roughest landings I’ve experienced. Reesa said she saw the flight attendant crying while she did her post-flight intercom speech. Yikes!

Here’s a tip for the traveller — never, ever, switch planes to another airline in Phoenix. You inevitably end up running all over the airport, taking a shuttle to at least one other terminal, and getting bad directions from at least one airport employee. We barely made our second flight.

Happily on arrival our hotel let us check in early, because we’re exhausted. We’re going to get some sleep for a few hours and then get up in time to get ready for the opening night of Arse Elektronika. Tonight includes the presentation of the proceedings of last year, and more exciting, a fucking machine competition. If it’s anything like last year’s demonstration by Fuckzilla and an eager audience volunteer, we’re in for an entertaining show.