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“Pol’s Tale,” a Zayzan bedtime story

Posted in Life

During most of 2008, I was engaged in the creation of a new world. Along with my co-creators Reesa Brown and Steven Brust, we began the Continuous Coast project, a Creative Commons-licensed, open-content shared world. Although the project is still in the final phases of its beta or prologue phase, there has been regular content for the last few months on Voices from Port Outreach and the Mediators twitter feed.

In honor of the new year, we just published our first short stories from the world. You can read my contribution, a Zayzan bedtime story called “Pol’s Tale,” and the stories by Reesa and Steve on our Continuous Coast preview.

Happy New Year to everyone! I had a delightful one celebrating the first urban ‘burn’ — the Resolution Clock burn at First Night Austin. It was glorious to watch such a beautiful effigy burn in the heart of my favorite city, surrounded by loved ones and heartfamily. We also listened to Arc Attack and then spent the night chilling and partying at Neal & Summer’s house.

2008 was a difficult year.  I am looking forward to 2009 as a year for beginnings, and for change.

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