I moved this month, which always has the effect of draining me of energy for writing and many other things. On the other hand, despite the upheaval this has caused in my life, I am in a much better place to live — cleaner, happier, more social. My muse would not let me rest for long before she started clawing at the insides of my brain to be let out, and a recent influx of NRE (New Relationship Energy) has jump-started some of my writing. I’m also still working with that new collaborator to kick ideas around for our future collaboration, and getting more excited about the possibilities with every email.
We recently held the latest Houston Art Nerds salon, Le Salon Du Subversif #3: Magic. This group itself has become magical, inspiring all kinds of fascinating collaboration and idea exchange just a few months after its birth. The last salon featured the sharing of skills in tarot, spirituality, and screen-printing just to name a few, along with hours of time where artists just made art together. We even got to make our own HANSalon t-shirts. I’m eagerly anticipating Le Salon Du Subversif #4: Apocalypse, which will be held in early May in honor of the upcoming Burning Flipside theme, Post-Apocalyptic Prom.
I also just updated the Society of Voluptuaries’ Writing Calendar, which is a google calendar of upcoming theme and anthology deadlines, mostly in erotica or genre fiction. It’s a private calendar, but if you write and would like to share the calendar, send me your gmail address (or other email address) and I will add you.