The last few days have been productive ones. I still am not producing as many new words as I would like, but I have had some fertile brainstorming sessions and have a lot of ideas in my head. I sent out a couple query letters for overdue submissions. This weekend I revised “Becoming” and sent it to a market which I hope will be it’s perfect home. I’ve also updated the Society of Voluptuaries’ Writing Calendar.
What calendar, a hypothetical reader of this blog might ask? Well for my online writing group I maintain a calendar of upcoming deadlines to anthologies and theme issues for genre fiction and erotica. It works pretty well as a list of possible prompts when I’m wondering what I should write about next. Since I’ve put some time and effort into this, I decided to make the calendar public — you can now check out the calendar here and add its data to your own google calendar or other compatible applications.
I’ve been a bit of a homebody while I do this, and my Fibromyalgia has given me very little spare energy to work with. I had lovely but short visits from my ‘pet’ and from Trouble, who is still mostly stuck in Houston. I went out with my friend Hel last night to see the Hot Sh!t Summer Series at Club de Ville for some tasty bloops and beeps and a moderate helping of wubwubs. I particularly enjoyed the set by Ernest Gonzelez. We actually left before the main act, Dr. Strangeloop, went on stage, because we were hungry. A visit to Starseeds further cemented my feeling of being back in Austin — I just wish I knew what the Austin equivalent was to Houston’s Late Nite Pie.
Speaking of Houston, I’ve been informed that the next Houston Art Nerds salon, Le Salon du Subversif #5, will be held on July 30th with a theme of Change. If you’re an artist, writer, crafter, or other creative type check out the Facebook group. This next salon will feature the return of the successful storytelling circle.
And while I hope to see many friends at the salon, I also plan to be in Houston next week for a doctor’s appointment and some social visits too. If you’re in Houston, let me know if you want to hang out.