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Fishnet: Dead Market?

Posted in Other Writing

Fishnet dead? Photo by Kevin Cheng.

It appears that online erotica ‘zine Fishnet may have become a dead market. This is sad since they had a great pay rate for erotica and published interesting, edgy stories.

I submitted my story “Lifting the Veil” to their editor in mid-February of this year and received no response. A query was sent in July, also without response. All told my story was out for 240 days without acknowledgement of any kind. Looking at the Fishnet listing on Duotrope suggests that I am not alone, with 60% of recent updates being authors marking their work as withdrawn or lost, and no actual responses from their editors reported since March.

I have withdrawn my story and sent it to a new market but I wanted to pass this information on. If anyone has any information to the contrary, let me know and I will post it here immediately.