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A Burner Lexicon: Rangered

Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man

Many Burners buy water not just for themselves, but also to help ranger others. Photo by Ed Hunsinger.

Rangered, –verb, Rangers work around the clock at Burn events to help maintain the safety of the community. They are not security, but more like the nervous system of the Burn. Yet they are overworked volunteers and they’d rather not have to deal with your severely dehydrated ass at the end of a long sober shift before they hit the bars on the esplanade. That’s where the community comes in.

“Hey there, you look thirsty. Sit in the shade a while. How about some cold water? A slice of chilled mango?” If you accept then you’ve just been rangered. Other Burners will constantly be inquiring about whether you’re well-hydratred, fed or rested. A member of a gift economy should feel comfortable sharing what they have, because they know they’ll be taken care of in return.

Hydration is something of an obsession among Burners even in the default world; there’s a reason the longtime lexicographers and alternative journalists of the Piss Clear chose that name for their paper. It can be a little disconcerting for virgins to discover just how concerned others’ may be with their urination habits while on the playa.

Thanks to Gryphynshadow and rawrwar for suggesting this entry.

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