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A Look Back At Burning Flipside 2011 (

Posted in Burning Man

As the Web Content Lead for this year’s Burning Flipside, I essentially created an internal media team to document in the event. As a result, I was privileged to oversee  an article about the event itself. It would be impossible to encapsulate the diverse experiences of thousands of participants into a single article of less than 1,000 words. Even so, I’m proud of what I created with help from my team, a couple great photographers and the input of several Burners.

With almost 2,500 people in attendance, Burning Flipside, Central Texas’ annual regional festival inspired by Burning Man, was a huge success. Held over Memorial Day weekend, this year’s theme was “Bad Idea,” inspiring a host of wonderful artworks, theme camps, and events. The effigy, a stunning work designed by Dotti Spearman called Burning Bridges, was completed Saturday thanks to the hard work of the Design and Fabrication Team (DaFT), and was later opened to exploration by the community. Despite initial concerns that it would remain unburned, a series of fortunate events and favorable decisions led to the gorgeous ritual destruction of the massive wooden artwork on Sunday night.


This article also features a comprehensive list of DJ sets related to this year’s Texas burn.

As I publish this, my new housemate is looking forward to going back to Burning Man. I wish I could make it myself — her excitement is contagious. The other night she let me sniff her vial of playa dust and it made me wish for home but short of a financial windfall it looks like I’ll be attending Orfunner again this year.