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Posted in Life, Other Writing, and Published

Choosing Your Tax Prep Method. Illustration by Ryan Pequin for Simple Finance Technology Corp.

It’s that time isn’t it?

My latest assignment from Simple was to provide some last minute tax tips, particularly about choosing the method for filing. Obviously taxes are not a topic one brings up over dinner for the most scintillating conversation, but I injected some humor & interesting information into my article. I also hope the information is helpful if you have to file taxes in the United States, but haven’t yet:

Tax Day seems like an immutable standard, but the taxman doesn’t like to work on the weekends or holidays. If April 15 falls on a weekend, taxes will be due the following Monday. April 16 is Emancipation Day, the day in 1862 when Abraham Lincoln freed over 3,000 in the District of Columbia. Since April 15 is a Sunday this year, and Monday is a holiday, we get two extra days.

Read more in “Choosing Your Tax Prep Method”


Coming soon: Video & photos of Saturday’s dance party, more on Opening Up and…

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