The culture of the USA is one that values a kind of shallow independence. It’s an independence based on commerce, weighed by your ability to buy a home, work a high paying job and afford a gas-guzzling 4 wheel drive vehicle so you can pollute your way to some remote vista you saw in a commercial. What we need instead is to teach others to be whole people, able to think, speak and act for themselves. Independent people also know their limits, and value interdependence too — the many places we grow stronger together.
Tomorrow’s events begin at 9am at the Texas State Capitol. My group the Occuqueers will be part of a 11:30 teach-in inside the building itself called Take Your Capitol. We will be reviewing past direct action and considering possibilities for next year. I will also lead a special session of the Conscious Relationships discussion on the topic of independence & dependence in our relationships.
The days events will be liveblogged here on Approximately 8,000 Words but follow me on Twitter (along with the #OccupyJ4 hashtag) for the most complete coverage.