Yesterday, I published a report from the Peaceful Streets Project Police Accountability summit in Austin on Firedoglake:
On July 14, I attended the Peaceful Streets Project Police Accountability summit. This all day free conference brought about 200 diverse members of the Austin, Texas community together to learn about police abuse and create new ways to fight it.
Though the summit had its genesis from the mistreatment and false accusations against Antonio Buehler after he filmed police on New Years Eve 2011, Buehler himself stayed in the background for much of the day, letting other key project leaders and volunteers be the center of attention.
Even though my part of the copwatch on July 14 didn’t record much police behavior, we had told a lot of people about the project and put Peaceful Streets Project stickers all over downtown.
PSP is holding a Film the Police training on Saturday, July 28 at 1pm at Brave New Books (1904 Guadalupe in Austin) with another large Copwatch group meeting at 10pm at Mexitas Restaurant (1107 N IH35 at 12th St).