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Interview with Black Tower Radio: Lauri Love, Green Party & The War On Drugs

Posted in Journalism, MintPress News, The Establishment, and Truthout

Lauri Love is facing extradition, and potentially torture in U.S. prisons, if he is extradited from the U.K. for allegedly taking part in an Anonymous hacking operation in retaliation for the death of Aaron Swartz. On Wednesday, I appeared on Black Tower Radio to discuss the Love case, along with my coverage of the Green Party Convention and the need for electoral reform. I also briefly discussed an upcoming article for The Establishment about how veterans treat themselves with cannabis.

Lauri Love at his extradition hearing. June 28, 2016. (Twitter / @NoLove4USGov)
Lauri Love at his extradition hearing. June 28, 2016. (Twitter / @NoLove4USGov)

Black Tower Radio is the most listened to independent radio show in Western, NY. You can hear the show on 1040 AM/ 92.1 FM WYSL in Rochester, NY