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I’m writing scripts for Eleanor Goldfield’s Act Out!

Posted in Act Out!, Journalism, and Life

Hey everyone — thanks again for your continued support of my writing.

As I reported last week, I’m losing my job at MintPress News in mid-January and my hours are actually getting cut starting next week. If you haven’t yet, please consider visiting my Patreon and making a small donation. I promise even small recurring donations will add up.

I’m excited to report that I just filed my first script with Act Out! a show about news and activism by Eleanor Goldfield that airs three times a week on Free Speech TV. Check out the archives on

My first segment, which is on climate change, polar warming, and Donald Trump’s plans to destroy the EPA, should air in an upcoming show and, if this works out, I’ll keep filing scripts with Eleanor from time to time.

Of course, I’ll share the segment here when it’s available on YouTube. Thanks to the support of my patrons, I also plan to publish the transcripts of each segment on under a Creative Commons license.

Remember, you can keep up with all my writing by following @KitOConnell on Twitter or by subscribing to my mailing list, “Gonzo Notes.”