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Trump’s Fast-Paced Dismantling Of American Democracy & Move To Cement Corporate Totalitarianism

Posted in Journalism, and Lee Camp

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the pace of Donald Trump’s dismantling of American democracy? That’s on purpose. He wants to keep you off balance and exhausted.

Thousands of people stormed the nation’s airports over the weekend, demanding the release of Muslim travelers caught up in Trump’s unconstitutional ban on visitors from certain Middle Eastern countries (except the ones where Trump has business interests).

The airport protesters and the dozens of lawyers who fought to free the detained Muslims are to be applauded for their quick organizing work and their solidarity with the oppressed. But if you think this is unprecedented, you should keep in mind that the U.S. has been bombing innocent Muslims for decades now.

Yet, even as protesters chanted, the newly installed regime was working on multiple fronts to undermine the normal operation of the U.S. government. Unless you’re plugged into Twitter 24/7, it’s impossible to stay up to date, much less effectively fight back.

Even the mainstream media is struggling to keep up. Last week, when the senior leadership at the State Department resigned en masse, foreign policy experts reacted with shock at the sudden power vacuum created in the country’s diplomatic leadership.

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” David Wade, former State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry, told The Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin on January 25.

Except these experienced diplomats didn’t resign, as the press initially reported, but were instead forced out by the POTUS.

“The Trump White House carried out an abrupt purge of the state department’s senior leadership last week, removing key officials from posts that are essential to the day-to-day running of the department and US missions abroad,” reported The Guardian’s world affairs editor, Julian Borger, on Sunday.



Trump’s Fast-Paced Dismantling Of American Democracy & Move To Cement Corporate Totalitarianism