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Kit O’Connell Guest Hosts @WeAreDisabled, Disability Twitter Account

Posted in Journalism

From May 18 to May 25, I hosted the Twitter account @WeAreDisabled. Similar to other group accounts like @sweden or @realscientists, this Twitter passes from person to person with the only common theme being disability.

The account admins created a Storify of all my tweets, but below I’ll link to my main threads so you can click through and read them if you like.

First I introduced myself:

I wrote a thread about my activism and gonzo journalism, and the ways the two tie together:

I offered some computer security tips, gleaned from Oh Shit! What Now? Austin.

And I went on a bit of a rant about the dangers of fascism, starting here:

And we had a lively discussion about the term “spoons” and who should use it (or not).

Thanks for reading!