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Security Culture And Punching Nazis In Texas (Kit O’Connell On Radical Underground Podcast)

Posted in Act Out!, Audio, Austin, Creative Commons, Journalism, and Occupy Wall Street

I really enjoyed talking with the Radical Underground podcast and the episode turned out great, full of lively conversation and fab music.

In our conversation, we talked about security culture and the ways our smartphones turn us into snitches against ourselves — but also touched on the human element, which is just as vital as technology when it comes to staying secure.

We also talked at length about the Oh Shit What Now collective, the recent incident at my “Punching Nazis” class in Houston, and other fascist and antifascist activity in Austin, Texas (including copwatching).

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Colorful graffiti on an urban wall reads “Antifa Rythm.” Photographed in Hamburg, Germany on August 5, 2015. (Flickr / txmx2, CC NC ND license)

Here are the show notes and playlist from the episode:

On Episode 13 of Radical Underground, we spoke with Kit O’Connell, a gonzo journalist and member of the Oh Shit! What Now? educational collective, based in Austin, Texas. We talked to Kit about security culture, in particular the implications from the “Vault 7” release from Wikileaks, and his recent presentation on Punching Nazis at the Houston Anarchist Bookfair that was interrupted by Nazis. We also featured a few tracks that Kit chose for the episode by Wise Intelligent, Bambu and The Coup.



“Episode 13: Security Culture & Punching Nazis with Kit O’Connell” by Radical Underground is licensed under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons License.
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