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Kit In Print: Find “Water Wars” In Hemp Magazine Issue 3

Posted in Hemp Magazine, and Journalism

For the first time, you can my journalism in a print magazine!

Last year, I interviewed a number of Western hemp advocates who were concerned about the issue of water rights. The U.S. government controls much of the water in the American West, and they’ve threatened to withhold it from legal hemp farmers.

I expanded on that story in an article called “Water Wars” for the latest issue of Hemp Magazine. For this article, I interviewed Kim Phillips, a Montana farmer whose hemp crop languished last year because her government water permit was denied. Phillips is struggling with the government again this year, and it’s unclear if she’ll get her water in time for the 2018 season.

Look for the article online soon — but in the meantime you can probably find it in the magazine at a bookstore or newsstand near you.