On Ministry of Hemp, I interviewed Daniel Ong from iLoveBad Organics about their new hemp facemasks:
Recently we tried out some comfortable new hemp masks. We’re happy to report they’re a great choice for shopping, working, or any time you might be around others.
We tried the new organic hemp face mask with cotton ties created by iLoveBad Organics and The Hemp Cooperative. Available in black, or a reversible black & white option, this simple mask ties around the back of the head. It’s easy to wear and easy to throw in the washer to clean (use a lingerie bag to keep it from getting tangled). But the differences go deeper than the deceptively simple appearance of this mask.
With no finite end to the pandemic in sight, frontline workers, from grocery clerks to delivery drivers, now wear masks all day. Many businesses require masks for entry. Most of us want to keep ourselves and other people safer too. But what about creating masks that are made from more sustainable fabrics?
That’s where hemp masks come in. Hemp fabric is extremely durable, and naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial too. There’s no proof this will provide additional protection from the COVID-19 virus. It does mean your mask will stay fresher during long sweaty wearing sessions.
… Daniel Ong said although they’d been considering making hemp masks for some time, it was Brittanny, the other founder, who spurred them to move forward with this collaboration.
“Brittanny woke up to this palpable realization that masks are going to be the standard and that we should contribute towards the production to supply our friends at our local supermarkets,” he wrote in an email.
Read the full interview at Ministry of Hemp.