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Laid Off

Posted in Journalism, and The Texas Observer

I’ve been laid off at the Texas Observer today.

The publication no longer has a digital editor or social media manager (I was both), and has also let go its editor-in-chief Gabriel Arana and laid off another member of the editor team, Gayle Reaves.

I’m extremely proud of the work I did at the Observer, including running  the social media campaign which helped save the publication, expanding our reach onto Mastodon where we received 10,000s of new and active followers, along with bringing the publication to several other new  social networks, all bringing our traffic out of a death spiral too.  At the same time, I was doing some of the best writing and editing in my  career, which helped bring the Observer new readers, and multiple award  nominations. My departure today is a bit of a shock, but I am determined  to land on my feet and keep doing the important work I’ve been doing.

If you have leads please send them my way. I am actively looking for work. I’ll be working hard to keep writing, and keep sharing here regardless of what happens.