Lately I’ve been keeping an eye on search terms used to reach my site, and responding to the questions asked there in blog entries. Here…
Category: Burning Man
Bacon: A Burning Flipside Story
Posted in Burning Man
Shredded Hate Bacon is a heavy metal band consisting of a number of Flipside’s finest. Kristen was the head “Baconette” (the SHB go-go dancers). Another Baconette and I were helping her unwind and Pyropolize after her arrival Friday evening when a crazy plan was hatched. At first, Kristen invited me to be a male baconette, an amusing concept to be sure but then we arrived at a far more brilliant notion. I could be the “bacon bitch” and cook actual bacon for the Shredded Hate Bacon show.
Most of you know I am an ovo-lacto vegetarian. Not only do I not normally eat bacon, but I usually go out of my way to avoid even touching meat. It’s kind of like dealing with cat litter — it’s OK if I gotta, but I hurry into the bathroom to wash my hands up afterwards. The idea of volunteering to cook bacon for a few hours was definitely across my boundaries. So that’s just what I did.
I didn’t just cook it though — I danced around with it. My face was bathed in the bacony smell rising off the pan for two hours. I waved the grease covered spatula in the air like a madman. I grabbed fistfuls in my bare hands. I ran through the crowd yelling ‘Bacon!’ and offering it up like the finest ambrosia. Near the end of the set while I cavorted between the Baconettes in front of the stage, bacon bowl atop my head, I lost my balance and dumped the greasy bowl on the ground and splashed it on myself.
A Burner Lexicon: Safety Third
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Safety Third, When attending organized Burn events, participants agree not to hold organizers liable for injury or death. The playa is not a safe place — it’s full of…
A Burner Lexicon: Esplanade
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Esplanade, –proper noun, Classically, an esplanade is an area for walking or non-motorized transportation between a city and an open feature of the landscape such as…
As the Web Content Lead for this year’s Burning Flipside, I essentially created an internal media team to document in the event. As a result, I was privileged to oversee an article about the event itself. It would be impossible to encapsulate the diverse experiences of thousands of participants into a single article of less than 1,000 words. Even so, I’m proud of what I created with help from my team, a couple great photographers and the input of several Burners.
A Burner Lexicon: Chasing Ghosts
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Chasing Ghosts, There’s always something to see at a Burn. Unfortunately, when one takes this a step further, it also means you will always miss…