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VIDEO: A Bright Future For Hemp (Kit on Act Out!)

Posted in Act Out!, Journalism, Ministry of Hemp, and Video

I appeared on the newest episode of Act Out!

I spoke with host Eleanor about the recent legalization of hemp via the 2018 Farm Bill. We talk about what hemp can do for people and planet, discuss what the FDA plans to do about CBD, and then look at what this means for overall cannabis legalization.

Using A Cane With An Invisible Disability

Posted in Creative Commons, and Life

I thought I’d write for a moment about what it means to use a cane as a person with an invisible disability (fibromyalgia).

Invisible disabilities are life-altering health conditions which are nonetheless not always visible to a normal observer. Even a trained medical professional might miss them under casual observation. Fibromyalgia is a debilitating, and poorly understood condition. It combines chronic pain with other symptoms like sleep disturbance and severe fatigue.

I don’t use a cane every day, which can contribute to confusion from people who don’t understand how disabilities can work. I might seem “able bodied” one day, but the next (or even later the same day) be hobbling around in pain.

Kit Reviews Ananda Touch Bliss Oil CBD Lube

Posted in Ministry of Hemp, Sex & Relationships, and Sex Toys

Ananda Touch Bliss Oil, the new sexual lubricant from Ananda Hemp, enhances intimacy and pleasure with the power of CBD.

CBD is a powerful natural compound found in hemp that won’t make you feel high, but does create numerous positive effects for consumers. We’ve experienced CBD tinctures, and tried CBD in capsules, gummies, and even popcorn. However, Ananda Hemp’s latest product breaks new ground for our review team and the industry as a whole.

Bliss Oil is a special CBD formulation designed to enhance erotic intimacy, from Ananda Hemp’s new “Ananda Touch” line of products. Ananda Touch Bliss Oil combines full-spectrum hemp extract with other pleasure enhancing ingredients to create more relaxing, more fulfilling, and more powerful sexual experiences. Bliss Oil uses only plant-based ingredients and it’s free from dangerous ingredients sometimes found in lube. However, because Ananda Touch Bliss Oil is oil-based, it’s not safe to use with condoms or other safer sex supplies.

Charges Dropped After Nebraska CBD Vendors Arrested

Posted in Journalism, and Ministry of Hemp

he state dropped all criminal charges against the Beguins. Charges were dropped “without prejudice,” meaning the state could choose to reintroduce them again at a later date.

“We are thankful the development,” said attorney Maren Chaloupka in an emailed statement. Chaloupka, from the Scottsbluff-based firm Chaloupka, Holyoke, Snyder, Chaloupka & Longoria, represented the Beguin’s in the case, thanks to the financial assistance of CBD vendors Medterra. Chaloupka told us:

Hemp Legalized In US By 2018 Farm Bill

Posted in Journalism, and Ministry of Hemp

The United States just legalized hemp.

Pres. Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, better known as the 2018 Farm Bill, earlier today. This omnibus bill includes numerous programs and policy changes, not all of which are related to agriculture. For hemp supporters and industry professionals, it’s a cause for celebration. Hemp is now out of reach of the Drug Enforcement Administration and, with a few notable exceptions, closer to being treated like any other crop.

“It’s been a long time coming and a lot of people have put a lot of effort in to get [legal hemp] to happen,” said Courtney Moran, founding principle of Earth Law, LLC, a firm that specializes in hemp law.

Fascist Journalists Attack The Poor: Laura Loomer & The Project Veritas Cycle

Posted in Creative Commons, and Journalism

It’s happened again. Fascist wannabe journalists attacked the most vulnerable, and as a result poor people will probably die.

Laura Loomer, a talking asshole fringed in blonde hair, is the latest to engage in a punch-down “sting operation” that’s targeted to hurt people with the most to lose.

In an investigative report that’s the talk of nazi rallies everywhere, Loomer went undercover in a refugee camp to expose the “shocking” fact that camp workers help refugees apply for aid in a way that minimizes.trauma and maximizes the likelihood that they’ll get help. Previously best known for spreading Islamophobic conspiracies about her Uber drivers, she’s now trying to graduate to the next level of far right pundit.