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Technical Difficulties

Posted in Honeycutt Tales, and Other Writing

Ups and downs in my writing lately…

Slow progress is being made on Honeycutt Tales. My coauthor has been quite busy with her own life lately, but I’ve also had some good ideas about the story I’ve been working on and added a few new words. I wrote a great Heinlein-style rant in favor of sexual freedom that fits nicely into the story and can probably even be expanded in revisions.

I’m making progress on revising my short story “Funeral”. I feel inspired to keep working on it, and hope I can get it ready for another reader review and eventual submission later this month. I’ve also been working on revising some poetry, specifically a couple of my more sfinal pieces for submission to Aberrant Dreams (since they asked to see more).

Unfortunately, I’ve had to send my laptop, Mycroft, in for service at Dell and this promises to slow me down some, even though I can use Verra, the desktop machine. The setup is not as convenient and doesn’t allow flexibility of working location. I hope to keep writing even so, but I am going to be in a state of mild irritation until 5-8 business days pass and Dell sees fit to return Mycroft to me with the overheating/graphics issues repaired.

Still waiting to hear back on 11 pieces out with various publishers. Hope to make it 12 or 14 at least, this month.