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Artist Business Models 11 / Inversion Effect @ the Luf / Halloween

Posted in Continuous Coast, Life, and Words Words Words

In our latest entry in the Artist Business Models series, Reesa writes about the True Fans model. The series continues every day on Words Words Words.

Theo Drumsthemoon has recruited my friend Mr. Fang‘s band, Inversion Effect, to appear on Halloween at Lufton Runner. Voluptuary Amul Kumar did a great job on the concert poster. I wish I could make it, but I don’t see how I could get to Port Outreach before tickets run out. I’ll be looking forward to the Internet coverage of the show, however, and to talking to Fang at the next Burn event about his recent travel experiences.

In fact, it looks like we’re without plans for Halloween. Is there anything cool happening closer to home — i.e. in Bryan/College Station, Austin, or possibly Houston that we might like to attend? If it’s the kind of thing you aren’t publically advertising, feel free to email me as well: vulpine at pobox dot com.