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Review: Touch of Fur’s Rabbit Fur Flogger

Posted in Burning Man, Reviews, and Sex & Relationships

Rabbit Fur Whip by Touch of Fur

I review sex toys for While I don’t receive any money for these reviews, I am receiving free sex toys. You can find this Rabbit Fur Whip and other kink toys on their site.

I was all set to give this toy a glowing review. but then I had an unfortunate problem. I think first I will talk about why I love this toy, then talk about what went wrong.

I am a pretty seriously sadistic perv. I love to use stingy floggers. I’ve put cracks in hair brush handles from overuse and broken a wooden spoon on a submissive’s ass. So why am I so happy with a toy like this?

I brought it with me to a festival in the Texas Burning Man community, called Orfunner, and at one point handed it over to someone curious to play with it. She swatted herself on the arm a couple times and then announced, “this defeats the entire purpose of a flogger.” By then though, I knew she was wrong.

The Touch of Fur Rabbit Fur Whip is a short flogger with 6 tails made of the very softest rabbit fur. Each tail is a bit over a foot long, with an 8 inch wrapped leather handle. The handle is a good size for my small hands, and it feels balanced when you are swinging the toy around. The end of the handle has a metal loop for hanging the toy on your wall, which is always a feature I appreciate.

You can definitely swing this toy like a regular flogger, but because it is so short, and the tails so amazingly soft, it is essentially impossible to create more than the mildest of stings no matter how hard you try. So how do you make use of this toy?

The first and most obvious answer is for sensual play. At Orfunner I carried this toy with me most nights. There’s a lot of physical touch and cuddling at these events, and this is even more true when the weather cools off at night and people indulge in sensory-enhancement of all kinds. My many friends new and old loved being teased by its soft texture. At one point while a couple embraced, I let loose with the flogger on his back, driving him into her with the force of the painless blows while she cooed her enjoyment. I could also pass it off to anyone without fear that they were too intoxicated or inexperienced to use the toy safely. I could see this flogger being great for beginners who want to work on their aim or learn new strokes, though care would have to be taken due to the weight difference when switching to heavier floggers.

Still, a sadist can enjoy this toy too. When a submissive is blindfolded, facing away from you, or otherwise unable to see your actions you can use this toy for some great mindfuckery. When your plaything is expecting the sting of another toy, they are instead struck with softness. And on skin sufficiently warmed up by other kinds of impact toys, even a soft toy can produce a significant reaction.

I wish I could recommend this toy to you wholeheartedly, but then it broke on me. During the scene where I tested out this toy, I was pulling on the tails to snap them into the submissive I had tied up and one of the tails ripped loose. Unfortunately, due to shipping errors and some chaos underway with one of my review programs I wasn’t able to get a replacement before sending this review. You should not have any problem, as this vendor does allow for returns of defective products but I was not able to test out another example of this toy to tell you if it is more durable.

Even with only 5 tails, I still enjoy my Touch of Fur Rabbit Fur Whip. It may be that this toy just needs a more delicate touch than other floggers. In the end, I’ll leave it up to my readers to decide whether or not it makes a good purchase based on this experience.