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The World Ends March 1 (Freaky Fountain)

Posted in Burning Man, Freaky Fountain, Other Writing, and Sex & Relationships

The smoke that flooded his mouth and spilled down his throat tasted the way a high school chemistry lab smells. Next to him, he felt Glory’s warmth and the nearness of her hand outstretched to catch the long glass pipe when it inevitably dropped out of his hand. Misha was suddenly afraid: You’re one of the first dozen people to take XDMT, what if …? —from “Lifting the Veil” by Kit O’Connell

This Is The Way The World Ends, March 1st from Freaky Fountain Press

Update 3/1: This book is now available. Read an excerpt or buy it here.

We’re less than two weeks away from the release of This Is The Way the World Ends, the new anthology of “apocalyptic erotica” from Freaky Fountain Press. The volume will feature my story, “Lifting the Veil” along with the works of 9 other authors. The Fountain’s Upcoming Releases page has this to say about the book:

Sex at the end of the world.

A taste of apple on your starving tongue. You shiver. Will you fuck for it?
Transcendence or death? Angel or demon?
Will you flee the immolation or will you embrace it?
Here, in the ruins, it’s all the same.
These are the last days.
Come with us.

In addition to This Is The Way The World Ends, Freaky Fountain is also releasing Bad Romance, a collection of erotica based around destructive relationships. They’ve even got a couple more anthologies open for submissions.

I’m really excited about these anthologies, and the fact that my blog readers and fans will finally have a chance to read some of my fiction. “Lifting the Veil” is an exciting story of what happens when a pair of pansexual chemists discover a terrible message hidden in the visions of a new experimental drug. I’ll be posting more about this story, including a longer, more explicit excerpt, as the release date approaches.

Update 3/1: This book is now available. Read an excerpt or buy it here.

Update 2/22: If you register on the Freaky Fountain Press website before March 1, you will be entered into a drawing to win a free e-book from the Fountain! Registration is free and easy and gives access to free fiction.