e[Lust] is a guide to the best writing on the Internet about sex and relationships. My post Simple? was included in the latest issue:
Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #27? Start with the rules and subscribe to the RSS feed and Twitter for updates and submission reminders.
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
Bikery – The mental image of Suzy mounting this thing and pedaling herself towards a quaking orgasm flashed across my mind’s eye and I grinned into her face.
If you are monogamous can you learn to be polyamorous? – Do you think that someone who is monogamous can learn to be polyamorous for a partner, or do you think they are courting disaster?
Hot Wax – I detached myself from what she was doing to me. *breathe* She pulled again. I came from the pain, motionless, silent, and helpless to stop it. She continued.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Spring – My eyes wide, there was no time for reaction as another crowd was wandering down the path. Our eyes locked and Daniel smirked, attempting to find something innocuous to say.
~ e[lust] Editress ~
What is Sex Positive? – Just because I create & run something, doesn’t mean I’m a dictator. e[lust] is as much yours as it is mine, and I value the opinions of everyone.
Erotic Writing
6. Gluttony
Erotica: Suit & Tie Guy VS The Construction Worker pt II
My First Blowjob
Oh, What a Sight!
Skate / For Wank Wednesday
The tables have turned
Wanting it Bad. Wanting it Hard
What I will do with a dildo: Sing, do with a dildo
Kink & Fetish
As much sex as he can fuck into me
Afternoon Sex x 4
I used to be a Masochist
Now Lick My Boots Clean, Submissive
Rope play
Staked Out
The Room
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
A sex-positive female in a sex-negative society
On Safer Sex and STIs; Musings on The Swingset
Touch My Cock
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Hello, My Name is Danny Wylde
Internet Pornography and Women: It doesn’t have to feel bad