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Sexy Week

Posted in Life, Sex & Relationships, and Sex Toys

I’m over my illness and overall feeling better. Our endless heat is finally breaking, and though I generally love the hot Texas weather I have to admit the extreme amount of days over 100 degrees was exhausting this last season. As it begins to cool off at last, I’m spending a lot more time outside, enjoying the cool evenings for outdoor dinners and writing sessions. We did a lot of housework at Avocasa, this past weekend, cleaning up the yard and painting to prepare for the new coming “Fiesta Deck.” Honey J is staying with us much of the time right now, and it was fun to work with her on the various projects, either talking or in companionable silence. I’m really loving this house and living here, and Kristen, the infamous “naked landlady” recently agreed it was working out and we should keep doing it.

Kit is going to review sex toys for LELO, makers of fine Swedish sextoys.

Though spring is a more traditional time for it, between the better weather and getting over my illness I can feel my sex drive ramping up a bit. It might be in part because I know winter is coming closer, when my fibromyalgia begins to act up more and I get less active in many ways. Fortunately there’s a long, gorgeous autumn to come. I am in the process of getting my bike replaced so I can go back to exploring town on my favorite ride, and that kind of riding always amps up my hormones too.

Why am I bringing this up? Because this will be a sexy week here on Approximately 8,000 Words. The next chapter in The Ethical Slut Read-along is all about sexual pleasure, so in honor of that and my general love of the erotic, I’ve decided to make it the site’s focus for the next week. Since the chapter after that is about public sex, group sex, and orgies, I might extend it even further. This week I also plan to offer up at least one sex toy review, an interview with the hostess of a local sex party, and hopefully a guest post on the same themes.

Speaking of sex toys, I’m now an affiliate for LELO, the Swedish maker of ultra high-quality adult products. Pet and I have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the Luna kegel toy, previously reviewed on this site. I’m very excited about getting the opportunity to try out more. LELO has contributed a great deal to the growing diversity and increasingly creative use of technology we’re seeing in modern toys. First up for review will be the Oden, an exciting new silicone cock ring with a gesture-based remote control.

I hope the next week is as sex-filled for my readers as it will be here on this blog. I look forward to your comments and questions, and remember the site is always looking for more guest bloggers — if you have something to say, get in touch!