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On Occupy Burners: 5 Lessons for Occupy Wall Street

Posted in Burning Man, Occupy Wall Street, and Published

Take care of your conflicts internally, and 5 other lessons for OWS. Black Rock City, 2009. Photo by Ranger SweetTart.

Check out my post on Occupy Burners today: 5 Lessons for Occupy Wall Street from Burning Man.

Burning Man and other countercultural movements such as Rainbow Gathering did not create Occupy Wall Street, but they did help create the atmosphere that makes this movement possible. At the annual Burning Man fetival, tens of thousands gather in a temporary desert city which is largely free of commerce and based around a set of ten guiding principles. Much like the original encampment at Zucotti Park, Black Rock City has spawned a global network of smaller gatherings. R.U. Sirius argues that counterculture itself is not political, but it nurtures the seeds of revolution and the creativity necessary to follow through on those ideas.

Read the 5 lessons.

Also featuring a beautiful video by Ian Mackenzie. Check it out!