On Saturday, I attended a rally in defense of Antonio Buehler and other recent victims of police violence. It was a great turnout — over 100 people by the end — and a wonderful example of how different activist groups — such as Occupiers and Ron Paul fans, who don’t always get along here in Austin — can work together for a common cause. Buehler himself is a Paul supporter, so it made sense to have so many people there involved with that cause. A candidate for city council was there, so there was a little bit of political campaigning; I also sensed some discomfort from many of the community activists over choice of tactics when Occupy Austin tried to get everyone to march in the street as we circled APD headquarters. But overall everyone worked together to speak up for police accountability.
As I have done often recently, I attended the rally and livetweeted it from @KitOConnell. Below I compiled my tweets from the day, and a few more photos. This is the first time I’m using Storify to gather my tweets, so let me know what you think of this format.
To keep up with this case, check the Free Antonio Buehler Facebook Page.
For more gonzo journalism from Occupy Wall Street, follow Kit O’Connell on Twitter
On Januay 28, 2012, over 100 activists from Occupy Austin and many other community groups gathered at Austin Police Headquarters in Austin, TX to rally for Antonio Buehler, the NYE3, and to demand an end to police violence.
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