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Firedoglake: OccuQueers Can’t Wait

Posted in Archive, Austin, and Occupy Wall Street

Occupiers educate commuters about the executive nondiscrimination act.

At the action on Thursday, it was interesting to be on the other side of the lens. Usually I’m involved in promoting an event, but when I am present I play more of a citizen journalist than an activist, though my gonzo philosophy blurs the line between the two. Though it was in solidarity with a protest in Washington, DC, it ended up being very much an action I organized and then led from start to finish. I wrote about the action on Firedoglake today:

It drizzled and rained all day, but the weather broke and the sun came out for just a few hours to let us march. By night, it was pouring down hard again. Between the wet weather and a major protest against the TransPacific Partnership in Addison, Texas on Saturday, it was nice to see a handful of Austin’s core activists meet at the action. We were joined by John Jack Anderson, the Austin Chronicle photographer assigned to the occupation. As we gathered, we talked about our desire to do frequent, smaller actions until our numbers hopefully grow again.

Read more on Firedoglake.

Afterwards, one of the occupiers complemented me on my abilities at “speaking truth to power” and I felt proud.

Tomorrow I travel to Addison, Texas, a suburb of Dallas for the #TPP: Out of the Shadows protest. Follow me on Twitter for live updates from the event.