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#TPP Photogallery

Posted in Archive, and Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Austin’s Dave Cortez drums in front of the police line. TPP Rally, Addison, Texas. Photo by Kit O’Connell.

Over on Firedoglake, I posted my wrapup of recent actions in Addison, Texas against the TransPacific Partnership:

After a weekend of protest and controversy, it’s clear that the TransPacific Partnership, the secretive and far-reaching international trade deal negotiated in Addison, Texas is under fire. The more sunshine we let in, the less attractive this deal looks to world leaders. From a direct action perspective, the highlight of the week was the major disruption caused by Yes Lab pranksters with support from Occupy Dallas. Their efforts, which included replacing the toilet paper in the hotel with special ‘TPP’ message paper, culminated in a major infiltration and the presentation of a fake “Corporate Power Tool” award to US Trade Representative Ron Kirk.

 Read the rest on Firedoglake.

The article features a great video from Yes Lab, as well one I shot of a mic check and speech by Arthur Stamoulis.  However, just for you special Approximately 8,000 Words viewers, here’s an exclusive TPP Rally photogallery.

See also: Yesterday’s TPP Liveblog

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All photos copyright © 2012 by Kit O’Connell. All rights reserved.