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Elsewhere: Conscious Relationships & OccuQueers

Posted in Occupy Wall Street, Other Writing, and Polyamory

Anonymous at the TransPacific Partnership Rally. Photo by Kit O'Connell.

You can find my writing in a couple places today. Over on Firedoglake, I posted an update some about interesting developments in the TransPacific Partnership:

While activists continue to work to obtain a list of those who have seen the complete text, Congressman Darrell Issa made the dramatic move to release the copyright and intellectual property portion of the agreement. Pieces of this chapter had been previously leaked, angering activists with  Electronic Frontiers Foundation, Anonymous, and supporters of an accessible, open Internet. They see the agreement as reproducing or worsening many of the more destructive portions of defeated laws like the Senate Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

Read the rest on Firedoglake.

On Occupy Austin’s homepage, I wrote some notes from the second meeting of the Conscious Relationships Discussion Group:

I formed this group when I kept having discussions at our gatherings about some of my lifestyle choices, particularly my choice to practice nonmonogamy. However, I did not want to start just another polyamory discussion group; that seemed too limiting. Instead I decided to form a group to discuss making more conscious and deliberate decisions in our intimate relationships, regardless of gender identity,  sexual orientation, or preferred relationship style.

Read more on Occupy Austin.

#OATX Conscious Relationships meets again Wednesday, May 16 at 6pm at Dominican Joe (515 S. Congress). Remember you can keep up with everything I do if you follow me on Twitter.