How much effort went into creating this cool, relaxing splace in the desert? Black Rock City, 2006 (Photo: Barry M / Flickr).
Relax Harder, A lot of time, labor and resources go into every Burn event, from the week-long Burning Man down to the smallest weekend regional getaway. This is just as true as it is for chill camps as it is for the most complex of installation art or mutant vehicle.
Many a project has begun when a participant gazed at his surroundings and thought, “If only there were a place here to chill/nap/fuck.” What follows includes everything from fund-raisers to combing thrift stores for the perfect cushions to constructing elaborate air-conditioned, fan-powered, or shady environments.
Relax Harder is a reminder of the effort which went into creating an event’s temporary city, and a verbal reminder to be fully mindful of the immediacy of your experiences — even if all you’re doing is laying down during the hottest part of the day. Relaxing in a quiet space is surprisingly rewarding after the strenuous activity of raucous celebration, and enables more debauchery later.
I remember a hot day at my first Burning Man; exhausted, I suddenly remembered a shady yurt near my camp. Just as I was laying in its soft cushions dozing off, I noticed a sign across from me: “No Sleeping In the Yurt.” Since then, one way I relax harder is by scouting out nap and cuddle spots in advance.
If you’re going to That Thing in the Desert, remember to bring back catch phrases and slang for A Burner Lexicon (!