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Random Music Video

Posted in Life, and Media

A dominant woman has a circus strong man on a leash.
From La Sera’s Music Video

As editor of MyFDL on Firedoglakeone of the pleasures of the job is finding a video to include in the daily Watercooler open threads. Incidentally, these threads have also become a great place to find out what’s going on in my life, chat with me, or  see what’s on my mind.

As a result of these posts, I watch a lot of music videos. Sometimes I find videos which are not perfect for the Firedoglake audience. This one has a wonderful shift in tone, going from sweet to exploitatively pulpy. I’m not sure the FDL audience would enjoy the playful BDSM elements, but they made me happy.

Hope you like it too. Have you seen any good music videos lately?

Video: Real Boy / Drive on by La Sera