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Antifa Are On The Ground In Texas Helping Harvey Relief Efforts (UK Independent)

Posted in Gonzo Notes, and Journalism

My Gonzo Notes essay on “Antifa & Hurricane Harvey” was quoted in the UK Paper, The Independent:

“Gonzo journalist” and self declared anti-fascist, Kit O’Connell also said members of the group were helping with the relief effort.

“Even though we’re not wearing our masks, antifa in Texas are in the streets, saving lives, feeding folks and organising,” he wrote in an article for the Medium website.

My friend, anarchist author Scott Crow, is also quoted in the article.


Antifa are on the ground in Texas helping Hurricane Harvey relief efforts

Political differences have been put aside as people pitch in to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief effort. Activists from the anti-fascist movement known as antifa have recently come under fire because some – but not all – employ milit ant tactics and use violence as a means of getting their message across.