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Update on my life & work in March

Posted in Life, and Zines

What a bizarre, intense and upsetting month it’s been, hasn’t it?

Thank You!

I wanted to give you all a brief update on my life and work. Before I do that, let me just say thank you to everyone who supports me on Patreon. I know everyone’s finances are a little precarious right now. Your support here keeps me writing, organizing, and helping with mutual aid efforts during this crisis. Please keep giving if you can, for as long as you can.

Life Update

It’s been a challenging month for me as for everyone else. I moved in with my spouse a few weeks ago. The move was planned well in advance of the crisis, but it felt both well timed and poorly timed at the same time. It was an extra stressful moment to move, but I feel intensely grateful to have someone close by during this time of isolation, and to finally be living with our 2 kitties, Taystee and Ygritte.

I’m struggling with some intense anxiety right now, and I recently went on some new anti-anxiety medication. I’ll also be starting therapy soon (via video of course) to help me deal with this challenging time. I think it’s good for me to be honest about this part of my life, because I bet some of you are dealing with the same shit. The meds are helping a little and I’m looking forward to starting therapy. Try to get extra support for your mental health right now, if you can do so.

Otherwise, we’re as well as can be, given everything, and well supplied with food.

Project Updates

I’m continuing to work on my Virtual Gonzo Zine Library with the intention of publishing the first “edition” sometime next month. I’ll be selecting a handful of zines to distribute online, and mail to my Gonzo Insiders. Due to the current circumstances, I’ll be including some Mutual Aid resources, along with other thought-provoking reads to help us build power during this time.

I took a break from working on “Beyond the Concrete Milkshake” for a couple of weeks, while I came to terms with this new world a bit. I had some uncertainty about whether I should keep working on the project, as I don’t know if we’ll be taking the streets again anytime soon. But some comrades and wise elders encouraged me to keep working on the project. Protest and unrest is inevitable, and that will draw out the media grifters again. I hope to finish my zine sometime over the next month, and will post some updates here as I have them.

Thanks again for supporting me, and sharing my work with your friends and comrades. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ideas, tips, or just want to talk. <3