Recent experiences in my personal life, as well as having the opportunity to give a dear friend of mine some advice about her upcoming first…
Author: Kit
Kit is a gonzo journalist from Austin, Texas.
Review: Neon Jr Gspot Softee
Posted in Reviews, and Sex & Relationships
I review sex toys for You can find the Neon Jr G-spot Softee and other vibrators on their site. Disclaimer: Although I don’t receive…
Posted in Life, and Other Writing
Change is constant. I mean, really fucking constant. The last few months have been a whirlwind of love found, lost, and changed. I’ve moved to…
I review sex toys for You can find the Wedge Air Pillow, as well as other sex toys such as vibrators, on their site. Disclaimer:…
My friend Lauren has given me a new soapbox and she wants me to write about Burning Man. My first post is entitled Why the…
Keeping Busy
Posted in Life, and Other Writing
The last few days have been productive ones. I still am not producing as many new words as I would like, but I have had…