I’ve been monitoring the search terms people use to reach my website, and lately I’ve been seeing people looking for information on a wireless vibrator apparently called just “The Toy.” Most of them came to my site because I’ve reviewed one wireless vibrating toy, the Harmony Wireless Wonder — a simple vibrating egg with battery-operated remote. However, until recently I was just as clueless as they were. What is ‘The Toy?’
My twitter feed coincidentally coughed up the answer thanks to the ever fantastic QDOT, who revealed the truth — the Toy is a wireless vibrator, but unlike most vibrators controlled by a battery-operated remote control, this one was meant to be triggered by a bluetooth device such as your phone. However the Toy has been available for 5 years and according to QDOT, “I’m not sure I ever found anyone who got it working on the old bluetooth interface.” Why the sudden interest?
Well it seems that this past year they released an interface for Android OS 2.1 or above. According to their website, the application is now available for free in the Android market (but its actually the second vibe controller to become available!).
So now you know. Obviously until reviewers get a chance to try it out there’s no way to know if the Android interface is better than the old one. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one myself — I’d happily make room for that Ap on my phone, which I’ve upgraded to 2.2.
ALSO IN SEX TOYS: Check out my Top Picks of 2010!