I review sex toys for the Adult Toy Shop. You can find this leather whip and other kink toys on their site. Although I am not being paid to write this, I do receive free toys in return for my honest opinion.

From time to time, the Adult Toy Shop allows me to select one of their toys for review. Although they are not a dedicated kinky toy vendor, I have enjoyed some other kinky toys they’ve sent me. The latest is this H2H Thong Whip, the first toy I have tried from that brand. Like many toys it was sold for novelty use only, but as is sometimes the case this is a real kink toy.
This is a small whip or a very thin flogger made of 12 thin leather tails. Its length is 20″ if you measure the entire toy including the handle but it feels small. The ends of the tails are blunt and square shaped. At one end is a thin flexible handle with a d-ring for hanging. The flexible handle makes it enjoyable to twirl in your hand, though the handle might be too thin for some it also makes a great choice for smaller hands.
With any impact toy you should practice before you try to use it on another person. You should have some idea of what you are doing and try to find an experienced top to show you a few moves if you can. At the same time, this whip would not be a bad one for beginners because it is so light-weight. It might be less intimidating than some heavier toys too. It’s small size also makes it very portable.
For other, experienced players, this is a whip to bring out when warming up for other toys or one that can get a lot of use during longer sessions. Though light the sensations it gives are definitely stinging, so it would not be a good choice if you’re looking for something that thuds, or gives broad deep strokes. The blunt ends of the tails lessen the impact of it compared to other toys as well.
This is another toy I tried out for the first time with my pet. It’s a light-weight toy that also has a bit of bite — my pet likened it to a small stinging bee. You can get into a very rapid rhythm with it, but of course it’s also fun for teasing or lighter strokes. My pet especially loved how this toy felt on her back. It was a toy she found pleasurable and which she could be on the receiving end of for a very long time; after a while with it we both wanted to move on to something heavier but it might be satisying enough for some.
This whip seems reliably made and I expect it will become a regular part of my toy bag, even if it’s never going to be one of the showier toys I own. The H2H 20″ Thong Whip is a welcome addition to my collection.