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Coming Soon: Soup For Our Families zine

Posted in Creative Commons, Food, Other Writing, and Zines

Update 9/8/2021: Soup For Our Families is closed to new submissions, but please keep sending in your recipes if you’ve already been in touch with me.

Update 8/29/2021: Originally published on my Patreon. If you plan on submitting a recipe, please get in touch (on social media, by email, etc) before September 1, even if you don’t have the recipe fully completed.

Hi everyone…

Let me start by saying thank you for supporting me. The last couple of months have been challenging, and the next few probably won’t be a whole lot easier. I’m looking for work, dealing with the slow collapse of the hemp industry, and coping with some significant health problems in my family.

Which is all to say that your help has meant a great deal, as I’ve been piecing together my income from a number of sources. The job hunt has been fruitless, and I’m feeling a need to be useful. The world is burning down around us and fascists seem to be growing their power while the Left meanders aimlessly. While I know I can only do so much, I have been casting about for some kind of contribution I can make to this dire moment.

So that’s why I’m assembling a cookbook zine. It’s called Soup For Our Families: An Antifascist Cookbook, and I’ll be collecting recipes over the next month. That’s right, actual food recipes — and not just soup, I’m collecting food and drink from every category from apps to desserts. I want to showcase the wide range of who we are, using food as a window. The only rule is the recipes should come from antifascist/antiracist people or groups.

If you’re interested in submitting a recipe, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. I’d like to have all the recipes collected by the last week of August so I can hopefully publish this in September! Use email address kitoswn (at) protonmail (dot) com. 

As usual, my Gonzo Insiders ($10+) will get printed copies in the mail, and the files will be free for download and distribution.

Other projects: Progress on my psychedelic culture zine has been slow, but I still continue to work on it. I’m also hoping to get another edition of the Virtual Gonzo Zine Library out in late 2021 or early 2022. Let me know if you’re reading anything interesting …

Thanks again, I really hope you are well and finding ways to feel meaningful in this strange, foreboding time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ideas, tips, or just want to chat.